Winners of Performance Loop May 2016!

Performance Loop: innovation and improvement! 

Innovation, exigency and the concern to improve on things are constants of CGS Romania teams’ activity that in turn, are in a continuous process of development. This month we have four winners!

Just like before, the winners will enjoy a star on the `Walk of Fame`, a surprise prize and additional public recognition of their performance

The assessment of the Top Performers has been influenced by the manager’s innovation and support, that the performers have fully taken advantage.

Based on the manager’s assessment the Top Performers of May 2016 are:

Florin Popa. He has been part of CGS team since August 2014. He started his collaboration with us for a customer orders management project and then, in March 2015, he made the transition towards Business clients for the same project. Florin is a trustworthy person, one who inspires trust, who enjoys learning new things and helping his colleagues. He also has a creative side, being passionate about hand-made craft. Florin stood out by an initiative when he helped the management team motivate its agents, especially in the low workload periods. The idea is simple. For each order worked, a ticked is inserted in the ballot box and then, weekly, the winners are selected. The prizes are different from one week to another and they consist in bonuses to the salary. This initiative has proven to be precisely what we needed. Agent were very excited about the idea and they were even more motivated in processing as many orders as possible for more chances of winning.

Alexandru Cozmolici (aka Cozmo). He has been part of CGS team since April 2013, within a very important project. His activity as agent was only the beginning, since he was promote as Team Leader in August 2014 and he became one of the pillars of the project. Alexandru has always shown interest in improving the activity and in raising standards to a higher level. As of the month of January, this year, he started creating new scripts to help the team, as well as the project, to  improve the number of sales and benefits granted by the customer to its members. After a series of trials and analysis, he followed several methods used by the top salespersons worldwide, to convince the customer in purchasing a certain product. Therefore, he found out the secrets of a successful sale and he inserted these aspects in the structure of calls taken by the agents. With a completely different structure of calls, targeted more on the interaction with company members, as well as granting these benefits for purposes of improving the quality of computers or security, he managed to significantly increase sales. The total number of sales since the beginning of the year and until the first half of this year was 10685. as compared to 7570 successful sales from the last 2 quarters of 2015. His involvement in this process lead to an increase in sales by approximately 30% at project level, and by 42% within the team.

Alexandra Sora. Alexandra has been part of the company since March 2013, when she joined the order support program. Her capacity to acquire a large volume of information and to use it while constantly adapting to the changing environment of the project allowed her to obtain a promotion in the management team before the other colleagues with more seniority. She has been QA for more than 2 years and she granted exceptional results every month. During last month, she committed to obtaining more and to becoming involved in the project activity, in developing and implementing several initiatives outside her area of quality assurance area. Alexandra took a manual with customer processes from the client and optimized it, adding advice and tricks for the best practices and presented it for upload on the Intranet. This will increase productivity and shall improve the learning duration of new colleagues. The process is currently ongoing and it should be loaded shortly. She created and designed a new concept, ‘State Cubicles’, an initiative meant to eliminate the cultural differences between Romania and USA for the employees, at the same time adding a joyful visual design of cubicles.

Corneliu Dobrițescu. The first training group from Târgu Jiu, for the project of a telecommunication company would welcome Corneliu with open arms, in September 2014. For almost 1 year and 4 months, Corneliu held the position of Customer Service Agent and, in the meanwhile, he did his ‘job’ both towards the thousands of customers entering in contact with, as well as towards the team and collective of Târgu Jiu. The skills acquired by Corneliu in the beginning have been a type of service which served more than 14,700 customers, in the meanwhile, and of another type of service where Corneliu assisted over 26,400 customers.  Also, his involvement was seen also in the support granted to the new colleagues joining the team of Târgu Jiu. Since February 2016, the help of Cornel would officially be focused on his colleagues, since he became the second person from the center of Târgu Jiu joining the support team and acting as Backup, at that point. Moreover, recently, given the changes arising within the project, Corneliu acquired his knowledge in terms of services: in addition to the prior-stipulated facts, he also added three skills on the services offered by the customer.

Congratulations to the winners!

Victor Babeș and Isaac Newton

Their wish to improve things has contributed to the evolution of humanity

Performance Loop: innovation and improvement!