Who doesn’t like sweets? From toffees to the most complicated cakes, they all sound tempting when going by the case of specialized stores. However, we all see the same cakes differently.
Most often, the favorite sweets are associated to a story. This is why we suggested a sweet challenge: bring your favorite sweets at the office and, if you have a story related to this desert and you want to share it, bring it along.
The first sweet story came from Melania ‘Personally, I do not have a favorite cookie or favorite sweets, although, in time, I discovered that I like to bake cookies. For Sweet Friday, I chose to make the preferred desert of my colleagues, more exactly koliva. Although I never ate koliva and I never prepared it, it was a culinary challenge which was also combined, in the end, with ‘creative decorating’.
Marilena also told us something funny: ‘My ma’ always said life is like a plate of pancakes. You never know which jam you’re gonna get. If you’re lucky, some pancakes have Finetti.
They are not my favorite sweets. I do not think I have something like favorite sweets, since I enjoy eating so much that it has become a hobby.
Pancakes are special since they have been the first sweets that I learned how to cook, when I was around 10. I wasn’t even allowed to light the fire on the stove by myself. I used to prepare them, every Sunday, for the family and neighbors (since the entire building smelled like pancakes) while listening to fairy tales on Radio România Actualități.
We always ate them with tea made of plants picked by me and my mother, during the spring, during long walks around the town.
Today, I prepared them after the old recipe, although I must have changed it at least 20 times since. I ate them with coffee today. I don’t even make them that often nowadays, but they are the reason why I learned how to cook.’
As for the rest, the offices were laden with sweets, this is why we would like to repeat this experience every Friday. Or as often as possible :). What do you say?