Performance Loop winners in January!

Innovation, exigence and the concern to perfect things are constant in the activity of the teams of CGS Romania who themselves are in a continuous development process. We have 4 winners this month!

As before, the winners will receive a star on the “Walk of Fame”, a surprise prize and an additional public recognition of their performances.

The Top Performers evaluation was influenced by the innovation also brought by the support from the manager, a support fully attributed to the winners.

Considering the managers’ evaluations, the Top Performers of January 2016 are:

Gabriela Dinuica-Huzum

The initiatives proposed by her until now – Corporate Games and Valentine’s Day Raffle – are meant to increase the involvement degree of the agents, to make them see themselves as members of a community, to interact one with the other and to improve their attitude in regards to their employer. Instead of being passive receptors of initiatives coming from the company, through the manner in which the initiatives proposed by her were thought out, employees are stimulated to actively participate with their colleagues. She also found new methods of analysis that significantly improved the results of the analyses delivered by the department in the department where she is working.

Andrei Boldeanu

In 2015, in the project he is working on, a competition was launched for the development of an action and incentive plan for agents to identify in time and to successfully prevent the escalations of customers to the Corporate office. Andrei conceived an action plan targeting the reduction of customer complains that reach Corporate office, a plan containing both a clear direction of actions to be performed in order to find, on time, a discontent customer calling multiple times for the same problem (many times a main cause that we call Executive Escalations), as well as an incentive strategy for each case found on time and successfully resolved. The coherence of the plan, its structures and innovative ideas made him the winner of this competition, and this year we will implement this plan. Andrei’s vision to prevent such an unwanted situation involves the modification of a tool – for which we are still waiting for the OK from the customer, that, analytically speaking, offers a better view of the cases mentioned above and helps us control in real time these undesired situations. The financial motivating system proposed by Andrei in this plan is simple but efficient: each agent tracking and managing such a situation successfully receives a score in EUR per solved case.

Irina Alboiu

Irina was and still is an Elite in the company with regards to performance and success, a model for each management person and an example to follow regarding her positive attitude at any time, her involvement and enthusiasm, but especially when it comes to people motivation. She is the type of Leader that “moves the masses” in essential situations, she is the “go to person” in her department and a reliable person at any given critical point.

Daniel Hruban

From his accomplishments, we preferred to mention the fact that Danial contributed to the development and improvement of the team, being in charge of brining the agents to the technical standards needed for a good functioning, the fast resolving of escalations regarding system changes as well as of brining and maintaining in target a very important metric: the RDR (Repeat Dispatch Rate).