CGS Fun after work: Music, dance and cheerfulness with Goran Bregovic and the Wedding and Funeral Orchestra

Neither this autumn will we be spending too much at home because there will be memorable events in Bucharest, and we will be there!

This week we organized an internal contest and offered 10 tickets to a concert of Goran Bregovic & The Wedding and Funeral Orchestra. The condition to register in the contest was that the participants should imagine what they would tell Goran Bregovic about CGS Romania, if they had the opportunity to talk to him.

Our colleagues did not think too much and the emails began to flow, with proposals that were one more interesting that the other. Here are the answers of the 10 winners I randomly assigned using

Andrei Nistor:

‘I would tell Goran that, thanks to CGS Romania, I managed to shake hands and have a drink with him. I would also say that the people here are very cool and I would appreciate it if he come to visit us, maybe sing in the garage. Whenever we have a stressful day, this is the band that has to sound on the background of calls and of the noise made by keys and clicks. It would be nice to be able to play with Goran during the break, hearing the tunes of his successful songs.’

Edvard Maximilian Szabo:

‘I would tell Goran Bregovic about how CGS resembles his music: a pleasant environment, multiculturalism, understanding and well-being.’

Adelin Ionuț Maghiar:

‘If I would be this lucky, namely, to talk personally with Mr. Bregovic, and if I were to tell him about CGS Romania, I would say that it is simply a place where you can evolve both professionally, and personally. I would tell him that CGS offers you a stable job, where you can find friends and colleagues to interact with and from whom you can learn. Also, you can learn processes and systems that can help you in the future. I would say that within CGS Romania you feel respected, appreciated and you have many opportunities for promotion on different branches or projects.’

Cristina Roman:

“If I had the chance to meet him, I would mention that thanks to CGS Romania, I have the opportunity to see him in a live concert and I will remain with a lifetime memory.”

Dan Macovei:

‘First of all, I would tell him that I played his famous songs at my wedding. I would also tell him that CGS Romania is a company where we have the chance to find someone to talk our language, thanks to the multitude of employees and spoken languages, and that, through this company, I have managed to meet him in person.’

Cezar Andrei Vilea:

‘I would tell Goran Bregovic about Romania’s experience and knowledge in IT and, implicitly, about the recognition and admiration that CGS management has for us.’

Andrei Petre:

‘I would tell Goran that I work in the most beautiful work place. CGS Romania is a serious company that, to the surprise of many, it promotes young employees and does not require experience. From my point of view, working here is perfect for a first job and the wage is very appealing.’

Ștefan Preoteasa:

‘At CGS Romania you have (almost) as much fun as during a Goran Bregovic concert! :-)’

Filip Teaca:

‘Hey, Goran! You need a call center support for all your fans calling you during the night and of which your wife probably knows nothing about. Use CGS services. We cover people.’

Răzvan  Bleamba:

‘If I were to meet Goran Bregovic, I would tell him that, at CGS, we are a business application company, at enterprise-level learning and outsourcing services that supports the core business of our customers.’

So, you have seen how inventive and original our colleagues are! We hope they will enjoy the concert and … we hope they will practice their speech, maybe they’ll be lucky enough to talk to Goran!

#CGSfun #partylikearockstar