Winners of Performance Loop June 2016!

Performance Loop: innovation and improvement! 

Innovation, exigency and the concern to improve on things are constants of CGS Romania teams’ activity that in turn, are in a continuous process of development. This month we have four winners!

Just like before, the winners will enjoy a star on the `Walk of Fame`, a surprise prize and additional public recognition of their performance.

The assessment of the Top Performers has been influenced by the manager’s innovation and support, that the performers have fully taken advantage.

Based on the manager’s assessment the Top Performers of June 2016are:

Georgiana Ilusco

Georgiana joined CGS in July 2013, starting her journey with us as Customer Service Representative. The experience she acquired within the company and her professionalism facilitated her transfer to a new project, when launched. Her interest in the activity is her main advantage and, at the same time, this is the reason for which she acquired very well the processes of which her team is in charge. Her involvement in the team activity is acknowledged and appreciated, both by us, and by the clients, and the determination shown turn it into one of the most valuable persons of CGS.

Georgiana is a landmark for her newer colleagues and a lever whenever her assistance is need for a more or less complex process, since she always manages to embed the maximum volume of useful information in the solutions found and communicated to whoever asks her for help. She takes her role seriously and righteously and she pro-actively participates in the newly-established processes and in the improvement of the work quality by the means to increase efficiency in the monthly quantity of processed transactions.

Since she acquired the processes quickly, Georgiana was constantly in charge of training the new members of the team, contributing this way in increasing the level of knowledge related to processes, with a major impact of their professional evolution, at the same time. Georgiana is a liaison between our team and the US team, actively and proactively participating in the calibration of processes, given her Customer Service experience in CGS.

‘This month I will celebrate 3 years of CGS. In all this time, I met many people from whom I had many things to learn and I’ve made some beautiful friendships. It’s nice to know that you are surrounded by people whom you can laugh with, not only work.’ Georgiana

Cristian Glavancristian glavan

Cristian started his professional travel within CGS in May 2013, as operator. In only three month after his employment, he joined the team from a back-office project and, currently, he is one of the best seen and informed members of the team. He demonstrated great skills in working with people, being the one who supported a new department with training, material and feedback. Cristian assisted a department from a competitor site. The customer was extremely pleased and congratulated us, stating that this has been ‘the most successful experience of this sort to date’.

At the age of 23, Cristian has already acquired 3 years and 2 months of experience in a multinational company. He was actively involved in all initiatives on the procedural side and he trained numerous future analysts and specialists in quality control. He found new methods to deliver procedures which have significantly improved quality and the results of working teams. The quality of services rendered has significantly improved given the attention and time assigned by Cristian on explanations, clarifications and updates, at procedural and process level. He has worked closely with the customer’s team leaders and with those from Romania, as well as with the upper management members, for calibrating and increasing qualitative standards within the two websites.

Cristian worked intensely and actively on the mindset among agents – he held numerous coaching sessions, both individual, and focus groups, where he focused on analytical thinking, attention for detail, decision-making skills, multitasking, all these via the concept of gamification â€“ a new method to apply funny elements to a business-oriented context. This innovative approach has increased organizational productivity, it has reduced the time for learning and acquiring the processes and procedures and it has improved the commitment of operators.

Bianca Grad

Bianca has been part of the company since February 2014, when she joined the telesales program for an important client, as a pioneer of the first group of sales agents for this project, in Sibiu. As an agent, she has always proven to be competitive and constantly focused on personal and professional growth, things which have often brought her the customers’ likeliness.

Her promotion as Quality Assurance Specialist came as a confirmation of her leadership skills and of the exceptional results she acquired every month, skills which she managed to successfully forward to the agent whom she worked with in this interval. As QA Specialist, Bianca took her role as attorney of qualitative sales, not only quantitative, and she always looked for methods to stimulate the intellectual capacities of agents in this regard. The meetings with project teams, held on this topic, have also brought a qualitative boost in terms of calls delivered to the client, not only the interest of agents.

Her constant involvement in optimizing the electronic contracting process of the customer have led to the reduction of the fallout rate by 5% as compared to the month of June and this is only the beginning. Bianca is a QA Specialist in on-going growth, who is constantly involved in expanding the project and she is a true asset for the company.

Mădălina Miliamadalina milia

Mădălina has been working as Customer Service Representative as of February 2016. Even though she is a relatively new agent, currently, Mădălina is one of the top performers of the project. This is her first job in sales, but her charismatic personality and ambition  have contributed to exceptional results and excellent customer service.

Since her employment, her first goal has been to be one of the best employees, maybe even the best, ‘I won’t give up until I  beat the best of them!” Given her dedication and competitive nature, not only does she bring increasingly better results, but she also motivates her more experienced colleagues to reach beyond their limits. Mădă is a real team player and an irreplaceable person in the department.

This is what customers say after the interactions with Mădălina:

‘Keep up the good work. You are the best.’

‘The lady who helped me was very patient and made sure that I understood what I was to do and took me through every step and was with me at all times.’

‘Excellent representative. Knowledgeable, easy to understand directions.’

Congratulations to the winners!

Traian Vuia and Ana Aslan

Their wish to improve things has contributed to the evolution of humanity

Performance Loop: innovation and improvement!