Learning Through Play

The education of our future generations is the development engine for Romania and, implicitly, for all of us. One of the values that we, at CGS Romania, promote is precisely education, and therefore we intended to get involved in the process of modernization of the education in our country. Thus, because we want to support to proper operation of education institutions, together with AHAVA Association and benefiting of the support of the Directorate of Social Care and Child Protection we laid the basis for the project “Learning Through Play”.

Our first action in this project targeted the children at “Licurici” Daycare Center, a preschool education unit in Sector 3 of our Capital, and its most stringent needs. The first measure to be implemented will be endowing the center with a modern heating plant, to ensure children’s comfort during the winter.

In addition to that heating plant, on 23rd of October, when the project “Learning Through Play” was launched, CGS Romania team and representatives of AHAVA Association visited “Licurici” Daycare Center and made donations consisting of toys, educational and hygiene materials for the children here.

Also in that day, together with the management of the center, we identified a long-term action plan to achieve a common goal, that of modernizing this kindergarten.