BRV Champions League has designated its winners

This is an event that brought together fun with the job, friends with colleagues, and personal earnings with teamwork!

UEFA Champions League, an event long-awaited by all football fans, now has a true correspondent in the BRV Champions League! This being the first edition, it originated from the concern for innovation, the desire for self-improvement and the pleasure to work in a team, key-elements on the road to success! Let’s not forget about perseverance, which is equally decisive as a long-term competition. BRV Champions League covered 10 teams and took place over a 12-week period, starting May 8th, 2016, and finishing with the final two weeks.

BRV Champions League was an initiative proposed by team leader Andrei Ganciu and later implemented through one of our projects, aiming to increase site performance and to encourage team spirit. The winners have been designated for the best results in SALES, sales volume, offer rate and AHT.

Just like the famous Champions League championship, the teams had coaches and team leaders and took original names that were based on reinterpreted names of famous European football teams. Therefore, we have F.C. Real Stars, ZenCastle United, Atletico Easy, Arsenal Phoenix, Borussia Knockouts.

The competition was also run just like a football championship. At first, we went according to a championship principle, holding 5 matches, every week. The winners got 3 points and, in case of a tie, every team got 1 point. The losing teams didn’t get any point, just like in a real football match. For those who are curious to see the evolution of the teams in each round, you can find more information here:

After the first 9 weeks, the best 4 teams went to the playoffs. The winners had the honor to enter the big finals, and the teams who lost continued the fight in the small finals.

After this round in the championship, the ranking of the teams was published. The teams going to the playoffs were:

·         C.F Minions United – led by Alexandru Cozmolici 

·         A.C Tonic – led by Paul Făgărășan

·         ZenCastle United – led by Lucian Pop

·         50 Fulham Shades – led by Andrei Ganciu

During the first confrontations, Minions and 50 Fulham Shades won and went to the great final, where C.F Minions United crashed the ‘players’ of 50 Fulham Shades with a 4-0 score.

Here are the great final results:


And here are the results of the small finals:


The final winners are F.C. Minions United. 50 Fulham Shades won second place, and the third place was held by ZenCastle United. Also, a special award was granted, MVP – Most Valuable Player, to Ștefan Răzvan Mosu, who was part of the winning team (C.F Minions United – led by Alexandru Cozmolici).

This was a great championship. Given the results, we had the chance to become aware of how much we evolved in the last year, each and every one of use, and this led to great satisfaction, by the high level of ambition and dedication of all participants! Congratulations everybody! Congratulations BRV!

The teams taking part in this challenge are as follows:


The opinions of our participants to BRV Champions League make use believe that a second edition is more than welcome!

Alexandru Grecu (coach for Panathinaikos Titans): BRV Champions League started as an idea in a meeting, late in the evening. In the upcoming days, the idea expanded, and the final product was BRV Champions League, a competition between the 10 teams of the project. I was pleasantly surprised to see how the simple idea of a competition can motivate the teams so much, each agent trying to become involved for a positive impact both on the team, and for the BRV/ MVP competition. I can say that this competition has changed the working environment to the better, agents being very enthusiastic and much more motivated to grow and to overcome their limitations. In this interval, I noted a significant growth, which is reflected both in performance, as well as in the people’s attitude towards the workplace. BRV Champions League was a competition which grew together with us all.

Andreea Bordea (coach for Borussia Knockouts): The Champions League Competition was welcomed and determined agents to be more ambitious and to successfully overcome difficulties. Even though my team ranked last, the progress we had after this competition is much more valuable. Considering that most agents from my team had a change of mentality, in a positive way, with respect to the call offer and the product sale following this competition, we should home similar competitions.

George Lupașcu (team Athletico Easy): I believe the Champions League is a well-organized competition (much effort was put into it), good for site performance, competitive.

Dan Rat (Team C.F Minions United): This contest motivated me to overcome my limits and at the same time, as a team, I felt for the first time what can be achieved if everyone in that team is aiming for the same goal. An extraordinary competition, which revealed great potential in most agents. It helped us figure out what it means to be a team. I hope such competitions will also be held in the future!

Georgiana Tomm (Team C.F Minions United): Champions League has been one of the most exciting and intense challenges I have ever had in this company. It was the first competition in which we had to highlight qualities, such as team spirit and fair play, which made everything much more interesting and competitive.

Alexandru Cozmolici (coach for C.F Minions United): BRV Champions League was an exciting competition for me, the outcome of which I somehow knew. Perhaps most of all I was tormented by the fact that I wanted it to move faster, in order to raise the cup over my head. It was an extraordinary competition, where I could witness the competitive personality of my colleagues. Some have hoped to take a seat in the final until the last update. From my perspective, as the winner of this competitions, it was extraordinary, because it showed us how flexible and easily adaptable we are, and that we want to win regardless of the conditions.

Eugen Barbu (coach for FC Real Stars): Most of us are big football fans and we love watching the Champion’s League, so I cannot say I was surprised to see such a positive reaction to the introduction of the BRV Champion’s League. We all knew that if we would involve body and soul in this, we will break any monotony and intensify the sport rivalry between teams, which actually happened and so we have fun while trying to get the best results possible. During the 12 weeks, we managed to recreate the specific vibe of the Champion’s League. We had fun and we consolidated our friendships. We managed to have higher performance, to set new records and to establish new goals.

Rafael Apafi (team Athletico Easy): A sensational experience. Everybody was struggling for the stats and people even worked overtime only to achieve their targets. It was amazing to see how agents outdid themselves, them one another, for the ‘floor’ supremacy. 12 fun weeks, starting as a joke: ‘Haha, we beat you 3-1’, then the joke continued by ‘Guys, 2-2 is not a fair score’ and, in the end, you could see their egos from miles away, when it became fashionable to post ‘#4-0’ on Facebook, the final being won by Gru’s Minions, by far. This was a heated competition, two beautiful and united teams standing out, where, in addition to self-‘battle’, also friendships between agents appeared, where the old ones would help the new ones, and where the competitive spirit was above everything. Mixing fun with job, friends with work colleagues and personal gain with team work is a wonderful thing. For the future, such competitions could help this project ‘bloom’. Keep up the good work!

Razvan Mosu (MVP, team C.F Minions United): The Champions League experience generated among us, as agents, a competition by which all of us can show competitive spirit. For myself, this was a very beautiful experience, from the very first week of the competition, when I found out I was ranking first to the MVP award, thus becoming motivated to work even more to remain first. A competition between colleagues is always welcome. I hope the years to come will also bring competitions that will motivate us and focus on teamwork.


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